Friday, August 16, 2013

Supporting Our Local Small Time/Independent Business Vendors and Owners

Happy faces of our local vendors in Burgos Public Market during our DPIS Photowalk. Photo by Riza Ortiz

Our late grandfather (father's side) used to be a vendor in our town's public market. He sells different kinds of vegetables fresh from the farm to support his family's needs. And because of this little business, he was able to provide and let his children, including my father, graduate in college (my father graduated as a professional engineer).

Freshly hand picked fruits, vegetables and eggs at the Burgos Public Market, Bacolod. Photo by Riza Ortiz

During those times, we're thankful that our grandpa strived to sell, and also thankful to the people who supported him, no matter how little things or vegetables they bought to his little space, they had given him life to support his family as well as his generation like me and my siblings.

We may not came from a wealthy family with big businesses, but they taught us how to stand on our own by just doing what you love and loving what you do.

Not only market vendors, but this also applies to small time/ independent business owners and artists as well.

It's also important to teach our children the importance of supporting our local small time or independent business owners. While many of us go to the more expensive or more famous branded products because of higher quality, there's nothing wrong with that. Of course, anyone can support anyone, but I think it's better to give a support to small time business owners who are still on a working progress. They're the ones who are still building a dream to achieve their goals. I know big time business owners really looked more promising to anyone, but also take time to give credit to the small time owners as well, especially when they also have equal talents as the big time ones.

So as small time business owners like us, we also have the right to succeed. Not overnight but I know it takes time. More than that, not only you're paying for their efforts or hard work, but also you're paying for their bills, feeding their children, and everything. Just like this quote from Rebekah Joy Plett. 

Word!... i love this quote. Photo source: Google

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